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Road to a sustainable offer

July 1st to 4th, 2024
Centro Parque Santiago, Chile



Organizers: ProChile, ProColombia, Secretariat of Economy of Mexico and PromPeru.

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Event overview


The XI Business Matchmaking Forum of the Pacific Alliance is a premier business event designed to strengthen commercial ties between Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, as well as with countries in Europe, Asia, and North America. Its main objective is to present the exportable offerings of the Pacific Alliance on an international level, highlighting their commitment to sustainability.

It places special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), providing an ideal space to facilitate commercial connections and promote business generation for all participants.

One of the central activities of this days is the organization of a Business Matchmaking session.The goal of this session is to promote the commercial exchange of exportable offerings between the Pacific Alliance countries and third country markets.

Business Meeting Details

remolino@2x-8Date:July 2nd and 3rd

remolino@2x-8Place: Centro Parque, Av. Presidente Riesco 5330, -3rd floor, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile (Google Maps)



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Activities of the XI Business Matchmaking Forum of the Pacific Alliance

July 1st 19:30 hrs. Kick Off
July 2nd 09:00 hrs. Inauguration
11:00 hrs. Workshop “How to do Business with the Pacific Alliance”
13:00 hrs. Brunch - Networking
14:00 hrs. Business meeting
July 3rd 09:00 hrs. Business meeting
18:00 hrs. Closing Event
July 4th 09:00 hrs. Visit to places of interest
12:00 hrs. Activation - Networking

Reasons to participate

The XI Business Matchmaking Forum of the Pacific Alliance represents a unique platform to strengthen commercial ties and boost the alliance´s exports on a global scale.

It offers buyers the opportunity to meet with exporters from the Pacific Alliance countries, as well as from Europe, Asia and North America, through a customized agenda.

The event will be held in person, providing a wide range of commercial networking activities designed to create an environment conducive to facilitating international business transactions. In addition, this approach aims to promote the sustainable export offerings as a differentiating and attractive value for international buyers.

Benefits of Participating: 

  • Networking: Connect with exporting companies and potential business partners.
  • Expansion Opportunities: Access new international markets.
  • B2B Meetings: Participate in business meetings scheduled specifically for your company.

Group 17


Group 18


Group 19-1


Important dates

Registration May 24th to June 20th 
Validation and confirmation of companies June 14th to 21st 
Business Meeting  June 14th to 27th 
Plenary/Opening and Thematic Workshops  July 2nd  
Business Matchmaking  July 2nd and 3rd 

Prioritized Sectors

Agro & Foods

  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Coffee
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Processed Foods, Agribusiness & Food Innovation
  • Nuts and Dehydrated Fruits

Apparel Industry

  • Clothing and Apparel
  • Jewelry and Costume Jewelry
  • Leather and Leather Products
  • Footwear and Accessories

Manufacturing Metalworking

  • Machinery and Construction

Manufacturing Chemicals

  • Cosmetics and Hygiene Products
  • Containers and Packaging

Who can participate?

Requirements and participan profiles:


  • The importing companies invited and validated by our Commercial Offices must have a specific demand for the exportable offerings of the Pacific Alliance. This rigorous selection process seeks to ensure that participants have a high success potential.

How to participate in the Business Matchmaking event

Join this fascinating business event and expand your opportunities to do more business with the world!


Participation/ Selection Process

Access the registration page of the XI Business Matchmaking Forum of the Pacific Alliance and complete all the fields of the registration form. Once completed, you will automatically receive a confimation e-mail of your registration.

Note: Companies wishing to participate as both buyers and exporters must register as two separate participants, on as an importer and the other as an exporter, using different e-mail addresses.


Your company's profile will be validated by the promotion entities (ProChile, ProColombia, Mexico´s Ministry of Economy and PromPeru). Once the validation is completed, the status of your registration will be notified by email.

According to the published schedule, once the companies have been accepted, the agenda will be opened. To access, you will need to log in with your username and password. Within the platform, in the "My Connections" section, you will be able to review the list of accepted participants and request business meetings based on the availability of the agendas. Meetings will be accepted or rejected according to the business interests of both parts.

In the "Schedule" option, you can see your agenda. In the "My Connections" section you can request meetings, and in the "Inbox: Received Requests" section you can respond to requests.

Note: It is important to note that scheduling meetings with companies from the same country will not be allowed. Any appointments scheduled with companies from the same country will be automatically canceled.

Enrollment Statuses


If you have partially completed the registration form, you must save the registration as "Draft" on the platform. You must complete the entire registration in order to move to the “Registered” status.


If you have successfully completed the registration form, your company will enter on the validation process by the promoting entity that invited you. It will be accepted according to the admission policies.


The company has met the requirements to participate in the Business Matchmaking session and has been selected by one of the organizing countries according to the availability of slots per country


The company has requested to cancel its participation in the business activity.

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For more information please contact us at: